Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Thursday launched a scathing attack on the BJP-led Central Government for its alleged apathy towards farmers and its attempt to reintroduce the repealed farm laws through the draft National Policy Framework on Agricultural Marketing. Mann, at the same time, rejected the policy draft outright, deeming it unsuitable for Punjab while suggesting that it should be tested in another state first.
Mann, addressing a press conference in Chandigarh, criticized the Centre for its rigid approach and failure to engage with farmers protesting at the Khanauri and Shambhu borders since February. “Farmers are the backbone of this nation. Their concerns must be addressed through dialogue, not ignored with indifference. Even wars end at negotiation tables,” Mann said.
The Chief Minister accused the BJP-led Union Government of shying away from its responsibilities by pushing contentious policies without consultations. Referring to the protests, Mann said: “The Centre is trying to bring back the black laws through the backdoor. Farmers are demanding a legal guarantee for Minimum Support Price (MSP), but instead of addressing these demands, the government is evading talks.”
Highlighting the health crisis of farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal, who is on a hunger strike for over a month, Mann expressed deep concern. “Dallewal’s fast has entered its 38th day. We’ve deployed a team of 50 doctors and set up a temporary hospital near the protest site to monitor his health. Yet, the Centre has remained indifferent,” he said.
“I have myself called Dallewal and urged him to end his fast but the Union Government has not made any effort to assuage the sentiments of food growers. The Union Government wants Dallewal and farmers to be lifted from the protest site irrespective of the fact that they are not creating any law and order problem,” he said.
Mann urged the Centre to initiate meaningful dialogue with the protesting farmers. “The Modi government must abandon its haughty approach and engage with all stakeholders. Farmers are neither violent nor disruptive; they are fighting for their rights,” he said.
The Chief Minister stressed that the Punjab Government has gone above and beyond to ensure peaceful protests and safeguard the health of farmers. “We are fulfilling our responsibility as per Supreme Court directives. However, if any adverse incident occurs, the BJP-led Government will be held accountable,” Mann warned.
He also criticized the Union Government for attempting to shift the blame onto Punjab while Haryana uses force against the protesters. “The Centre’s failure to engage with farmers has created this situation. Instead of addressing their grievances, the Government is using state machinery to suppress them,” Mann added.
The Chief Minister also lambasted the Union Government for failing to address other critical issues like fertilizer shortages and delayed rice procurement. “Instead of resolving these problems, the Centre is creating divisions between the state and farmers. Such actions are unacceptable and harmful to Punjab’s peace and prosperity,” Mann said.
Mann reaffirmed Punjab’s commitment to supporting farmers and opposing any anti-agriculture policies. “Punjab does not need air ambulances or extra force to manage the protests. We need the Centre to open its ears and start listening to the voices of farmers,” he asserted.
Rejects Agriculture Market Policy
Mann reiterated Punjab’s strong opposition to the Agriculture Market Policy draft, which he termed a threat to the state's robust mandi system. “The draft aims to dismantle Punjab’s strong agricultural marketing framework. We will not allow this policy to be implemented here,” he asserted. Mann suggested the Centre first test the policy in other states and share results before imposing it nationwide.