Latehar police cracked a gory case of murder. It busted an upcoming outfit titled as Jharkhand Sangharsh Jan Shakti Morcha (JSJSM).
The name is too close to the banned naxal outfit Jharkhand Jan Mukti Parishad JJMP all for the purposes of gaining notoriety as a common man can hardly differentiate between JSJSM and the old terror outfit JJMP.,
Latehar police gave a serious dent to the sinister design of Pradeep Ganjhu the architect of the villainy.
Although the Latehar police busted this JSJSM, its floater Pradeep Ganjhu remains at large.
Latehar police arrested 5 of this outfit who are in the age group of 21 to 27.
Police recovered the weapon a Tangi used in the crime along with two cell phones and three muzzle loaded guns.
This outfit had barbically killed a night guard Bal Govind Sahu at the construction site of a small bridge on the river Ouranga on the night of December 26 at Ulgara all for levy and also to spread name and terror of this outfit.
SP Latehar Kumar Gaurav held a press conference in Latehar this evening. A press note was issued later on in this regard.