Jamshedpur's young and talented singer Sunny Bal, a resident of Golmuri, has released his latest song SIKH WARRIORS dedicated to Guru Gobind Singh Ji on the occasion of Prakash Parv. The song's poster was unveiled in Sakchi by prominent BJP Sikh leader and former Naujawan Sabha president Satveer Singh Somu, Naujawan Sabha chairman Chanchal Bhatia, Ravindra Singh from Bir Khalsa Dal, and Gurukaran Singh, who has contributed to several films. The event also included an extensive discussion on the social impact of such projects.
Sunny Bal, known for his vibrant music, has previously released four songs — two videos and two audios — on YouTube, with his popular track Badmashi garnering over 93,000 views. Speaking about his new release, Sunny expressed his long-standing desire to sing religious songs. He chose Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Prakash Parv as the perfect occasion to bring his vision to life.
The video for SIKH WARRIORS was shot at various locations across Jamshedpur, including prominent Gurudwaras. The song features performances by local talents such as Gurdial Singh Kothli, Avtar Singh, Mandeep Singh, Karandeep Singh, and members of the Bahadur Khalsa Gatka Group, led by Gurpreet Singh Prince, along with Shri Kalgi Dhar Gatka Group.
Sunny shared that he has written several other religious and non-religious songs, which he plans to release soon. Speaking at the event, Satveer Singh Somu encouraged the community to support such initiatives and assured his assistance whenever needed. He emphasized the importance of creating songs that reflect the spirit and values of the Sikh community, encouraging Sunny and his team to continue their impactful work.