Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate a slew of development measures, including 1,675 flats for the residents of JJ clusters and two urban redevelopment projects including the World Trade Centre (WTC) at Nauroji Nagar in the city on Friday. Among other initiatives, the Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stones of three new projects worth over Rs 600 crore in the Delhi University including East and West campuses and for a college to be named after Veer Savarkar on Friday, a significant move in the university's expansion plan.
The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) in a statement said that Modi will also lay the foundation stone of Veer Savarkar College at Roshanpura, Najafgarh, which will have state-of-the-art facilities for education besides an academic block in East Delhi and an academic block in Dwarka.
The statement said Modi will visit the newly-constructed flats for the dwellers of Jhuggi Jhopri (JJ) clusters as part of slum rehabilitation project at Swabhiman Apartments in Delhi's Ashok Vihar and hand over keys to the eligible beneficiaries. He will inaugurate 1,675 newly constructed flats, the PMO said, adding the development is in line with the prime minister's "housing for all" initiative.
The objective of the project is to provide the residents of JJ clusters in Delhi with a better and healthier living environment equipped with proper amenities and facilities. For every Rs 25 lakh spent on construction of a flat by the Central government, the eligible beneficiaries pay less than seven per cent of the total amount, comprising Rs 1.42 lakh as a nominal contribution and Rs 30,000 for five years of maintenance, it said.
The development push from the BJP-led government at the Centre comes ahead of the assembly polls in Delhi expected to be held in February.
The BJP has been locked in a bitter political confrontation with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), in power in the city since 2013, and is making all out efforts to end its reign.
On Friday, Modi will also inaugurate two urban redevelopment projects -- the World Trade Centre (WTC) at Nauroji Nagar and the General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) type-II quarters at Sarojini Nagar. The World Trade Centre, the statement said, has transformed the area by replacing over 600 dilapidated quarters with state-of-the-art commercial towers, offering around 34 lakh square feet of premium commercial space with advanced amenities.
The project incorporates green building practices with provisions such as a zero-discharge concept, solar energy generation and rainwater harvesting systems. The GPRA type-II quarters include 28 towers that house over 2,500 residential units, offering modern amenities and efficient use of space.
The project's design incorporates rainwater harvesting systems, sewage and water treatment plants, and solar-powered waste compactors encouraging eco-conscious living, it said.
Modi will also inaugurate the CBSE's integrated office complex at Dwarka built at around Rs 300 crore. It includes offices, auditorium, advanced data center and comprehensive water management system among others.
The ecofriendly building has been constructed to high environmental standards and was designed as per Platinum Rating standards of the Indian Green Building Council, it said.
In a statement, DU said it has invited Prime Minister Modi to lay the foundation stones for its proposed East and West campuses and for a college to be named after Savarkar on Friday, a significant move in the university's expansion plan, sources in DU said.
According to DU vice chancellor Prof. Yogesh Singh in Surajmal Vihar, an Academic Block will be constructed in the East Campus of 15.25 acres at an estimated cost of Rs 373 crore. LLB, LLM and five-year integrated LLB program along with other multidisciplinary programs in the due courses will be conducted in this campus. Many modern facilities including 60 classrooms, 10 tutorial rooms, 06 moot courts, 04 computer labs, 02 cafeterias and 02 common rooms will be available in the 59618 square Meter built-up area of this project. He informed that in the first phase of the western campus to be built in Dwarka Sector 22, a new Academic building will be constructed at an estimated cost of Rs 107 crore.
A college will be built in the name of Veer Savarkar in Roshanpura, Najafgarh, just 5 minutes away from the West campus, very close to the UER highway. The project, having a built-up area of 18816.56 sq. meter at an estimated cost of around Rs. 140 crore, will have state-of-the-art facilities for academic activities including 24 class rooms, 08 tutorial rooms, a canteen and 40 faculty rooms including department libraries and conference rooms. Currently, Delhi University operates through its North and South campuses. With the addition of the East and West campuses, the university will establish a presence in all four directions of the city, Singh noted.