In Jharkhand, the process of sending Rs 2500 to the accounts of women under the Maiya Samman Yojana has started, but other election promises of INDI alliance, such as providing LPG cylinder at Rs 450 and paddy purchase at Rs 3200 per quintal, will not be fulfilled for now as people have to wait longer.
Targeting the state government's failure to meet poll promises, BJP state president and former Chief Minister Babulal Marandi today again targeted the state government. Posting through social media, Marandi wrote that if the promises made during the elections remain only a means to gain power, then it is not only an insult to the mandate but also a betrayal of the trust of the public.
He said that when the INDI alliance had promised to provide gas cylinders at Rs 450 and paddy procurement at Rs 3200 per quintal, then the public saw it as a hope for their future.
He said that now when the Hemant government is being demanded to fulfill these promises, then all the ministers from the Chief Minister to the Chief Minister are busy making excuses. He said that the attitude of the Hemant government is not only an insult to the mandate but is also making the newly elected MLAs a laughing stock.
Marandi said that the public has understood that like the promise of 5 lakh jobs per year, the promise of gas cylinders for Rs 450 was also a gimmick to gain power. He said that in the coming days, the lies of this thug alliance government will be exposed layer by layer.
Meanwhile, the finance minister said that the decision to give gas cylinders for Rs 450 will be taken on the platform of the INDIA Alliance. “This subject will be considered soon in the coalition meeting,” he added.
Regarding the purchase of paddy, he said that efforts are being made to give fair prices to the farmers.
Finance Minister Radhakrishna Kishore also said that the state government is seriously considering several options to recover the outstanding amount of Rs 1.36 lakh crore from the central government, which may also include legal action.
The finance minister said that the state government has to get an outstanding amount of Rs 1.36 lakh crore from the Centre. “Former Chief Secretary Sukhdev Singh sent a full detail of this outstanding amount in 2021 itself and demanded the Centre to pay it,” he added.