Amarpreet Singh Kale, BJP state spokesperson and social worker, participated in the Nagar Kirtan organized on the occasion of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Prakash Parv. Alongside devotees, he sought the blessings of Guru Sahib and paid homage to his teachings.
Speaking at the event, Kale said, “Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s life is an unparalleled symbol of truth, faith, and courage. His sacrifices and teachings are a source of inspiration not only for the Sikh community but for the entire nation. We must follow his path of truth and fulfill our duties toward faith and righteousness.”
While participating in the Nagar Kirtan, Kale remembered Guru Sahib’s unmatched contributions to courage, integrity, and the protection of dharma. He remarked, “Guru Gobind Singh Ji taught us the importance of bravery, brotherhood, and devotion to God. His life will continue to inspire generations.”
The event witnessed a massive turnout of devotees, with the atmosphere resonating with soulful hymns and kirtans, creating a divine and spiritual ambiance.
Kale further said, “The ideals of Guru Gobind Singh Ji guide us not only towards valor and patience but also inspire us to maintain unity and harmony in society.”
He extended his best wishes to the Central Gurdwara Management Committee (CGPC), other managing committees, and the organizing team for the successful event. He also expressed gratitude to the congregation, district administration, and police force for their contributions to making the celebration a grand success.