The birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was celebrated with pomp on Tuesday at the Baba Math of Baba Govind Das Ji. On the occasion, after puja, ardas and aarti, Kadah Prasad was distributed by priest Gopal Pandey. Sukhmani Sahib and Japji Sahib were recited by the women, after which a grand Bhandara was organised. Hundreds of people participated and took the Prasad of the grand Bhandara. On this occasion, Priest Gopal Pandey threw light on the biography of Guru Gobind Singh. Rajendra Khatri, leader of the society and patron of various religious organizations, said that today we are celebrating the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji with great enthusiasm. It will be given a more grand look in the coming years. Outgoing Ward Councilor Avinash Kaur said that Guru Gobind Singh Ji's teachings were that no poor should remain hungry, no one should be oppressed and everyone should follow their religion properly. There should be no caste discrimination. Today there is a need that we follow the path shown by him and do welfare for society. Mainly present in the birth anniversary program were Kawaljit Singh, Jitendra Singh, Amrita Kaur, Sangram Prithvi Chauhan, Khokhan Da, Ashutosh Pandey, Gupteshwar Gupta, Rajendra Khatri, Subodh Rai, Raju Sahu, Raju Gupta, Vijay Sahu, Rajesh Sharma, Sanjeev Sharma, Sunny. Singh, Pankaj Sharma, Himanshu Kesari, Nishant Kansyakar, Prasanjit Ghosh, Rohit Ojhaamong others were present.