Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has said that the entire nation bows down to the sacrifice of four Sahibzadas and family made by Guru Gobind Singh to protect the pride of the country and religion and to establish the original religion. The life journey of Guru Ji, who sacrificed his family against foreign invaders for the self-respect and culture of the country, is inspirational for all.
Guru Gobind Singh established the Khalsa Panth and told that it is necessary to fight bravely by taking up arms for the country and culture. His efforts to save religion, culture and history are effective, incomparable and wonderful example before the whole world. His martyrdom will be remembered in every era and every period. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav was addressing devotees after paying obeisance at Gurdwara Hamidia Road on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the 10th Guru of the Sikhs and founder of the Khalsa Panth.
Yadav said that Guru Gobind Singh was fortunate in the sense that even the smallest child of his family had a feeling of pride for the country, religion and culture and was ready to sacrifice for his religion and life values. Guru Gobind Singh tried to find answers to many spiritual questions. He gave the form of a guide to Guru Granth Sahib by collecting the holy sayings of all the Gurus.