The Garhwa police have announced plans to improve security for New Year celebrations in the district.
More officers will be present at picnic spots, restaurants, and parks to keep everyone safe as they welcome 2024. SP Deepak Kumar Pandey confirmed that steps have been taken to stop trouble from antisocial elements.
"We have placed officers at picnic sites to prevent eve teasing and theft, along with more road patrols," said Pandey.
All picnic areas will be secured during the New Year festivities. "We want to make sure every picnic spot is monitored by police," he added. To address eve teasing, police will use plain-clothed officers to watch for any inappropriate behaviour.
Regarding reckless driving, Pandey asked the public to be careful. "It is important to drive safely, as many will be celebrating. Never mix drinking and driving," he warned.
Women constables will patrol to help prevent eve teasing and to secure picnic areas and party venues. They have been told to act quickly if any incidents occur.
"We are committed to ensuring a safe environment for everyone this New Year, and we are doing everything we can to achieve this," assured the SP.