Congress’ Uttam Nagar candidate Mukesh Sharma on Sunday addressed a Mahapanchayat organized on Bindapur, Matiala Road, stating that it will not be shocking that BJP and AAP candidate put together will not be able to secure 50 per cent votes.
Addressing scores of people present in the Mahapanchayat, Mukesh Sharma said that he had no intention of contesting the elections but Uttam Nagar has called him. “I have dedicated my entire life to take the Uttam Nagar Assembly constituency out of hell and develop it at par with Dwarka,” he said.
Challenging the elected representatives of BJP and AAP, he said that BJP ruled the MCD for 15 years and all four Counciliors of the area were from BJP and MPs have been from BJP for 11 years while the MLA has been from AAP for the last 10 years.
“Together, they have not been able to create even one school in this area, the roads are dilapidated, sewers are overflowing onto the streets. Bindapur and Uttam Nagar wards are not getting water from Dwarka Kaman 2. Bindapur, the proposed UGR of DDA, has not been built and the DTC terminal, which was built 11 years ago, has not been made operational till date,” he claimed.Sharma claimed that in the upcoming assembly elections, the results of Uttam Nagar will not only be shocking but both BJP and AAP candidates together will not be able to get 50 per cent votes.