Chief Minister Mohan Yadav attended the Raahgiri Anand Utsav on Kothi Road during his stay in Ujjain on Sunday, he advised the citizens to do regular yoga and exercise.
CM Yadav inaugurated the Rahgiri Anand Utsav by lighting the lamp and enjoyed the performances of the cultural troupes. On this occasion, the CM also recited the bhajan 'Ganga Tera Pani Amrit, Maa Kshipra Tera Pani Amrit' from the stage. MP Anil Ferozia, MLA Anil Jain Kaluheda, Mayor Mukesh Tatwal, Municipal Corporation Chairperson Smt. Kalavati Yadav, Shri Vivek Joshi, Bahadur Singh Bor Mundla were also present along with public representatives and citizens.