Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Sunday attended the wedding ceremony of Sushri Kriti with Shri Naveen Narendra Gehlot, grandson of Karnataka Governor Thawarchand Gehlot, at Rangoli Garden in Nagda. CM Dr. Yadav wished the newlyweds a happy, prosperous and blissful married life.
On reaching the wedding venue, Governor of Karnataka Thawarchand Gehlot and family members welcomed Chief Minister Dr. Yadav by presenting a flower bouquet.
CM Yadav blessed the newlyweds and groom and bride and gifted them holy copies of Shrimad Bhagvad Gita as a souvenir.
On this occasion, Union Minister Prahlad Joshi, MP Anil Ferozia, MLA Nagda Tej Bahadur Singh, MLA Shajapur Arun Bhimawad, former MLA Jitendra Gehlot, Chairperson of Municipal Corporation Nagda Santosh OP Gehlot, former MLA Dilip Singh Shekhawat, former member of Zila Panchayat Neemuch Ashok Khinchi, Sultan Singh Shekhawat, along with public representatives and officers, employees were present.