The three-day Jashn-e-Urdu festival, organised by the Madhya Pradesh Urdu Academy under the Culture Council, concluded with an award ceremony conducted by the Culture Minister and a performance by renowned Kathak exponent Shinjini Kulkarni.
The event was wrapped up by Culture Minister Dharmendra Bhav Singh Lodhi, who presented awards to the competition winners and honoured the volunteers with certificates.
Minister Lodhi expressed his joy about the festival, which embodied the philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family), a core aspect of Indian culture. He congratulated Nusrat Mehdi, Director of the Urdu Academy, for organising the event.
The third day began with a discussion on "Urdu Literature and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam." Manoj Srivastava, Commissioner of the Madhya Pradesh State Election Commission, emphasised that literature should not be confined to religion and highlighted that Urdu literature has always transcended religious boundaries.
Mohd Nauman Khan spoke on the universality of Urdu literature, noting its influence across various languages. Abbas Raza Nayar discussed how Urdu poetry promotes humanity and unity, free from communal divisions.
The event concluded with a Kathak performance by Shinjini Kulkarni, the ninth generation of the renowned Kalka Bindadin Gharana.
Recent performances by Kulkarni, granddaughter of the legendary Pandit Birju Maharaj, suggest that the danseuse is preparing to take Kathak to global audiences in a befitting tribute to the lineage she represents.