The Delhi Police has arrested three active members of the Tillu Tajpuriya-Parvesh Maan gang and recovered two pistols, a revolver, and 39 live cartridges from them.
According to the police on Monday, those nabbed have been identified as 36 year old Deepak alias Prince alias Amit, 24 year old Ankit alias Hunny and 24 year old Sagar. A case under sections 25, 54 and 59 of the Arms Act has been registered at Narela Industrial Area (NIA) police station. The active gangsters like Parvesh Maan, Kapil @ Kallu, Rajesh Tyagi, etc., are in judicial custody under different provisions of IPC and MCOCA, but their foot soldiers still support either logistically or financially,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (Outer North) Nidhin Valsan said.