The Gurugram Police have received a total of 1,03,655 complaints through various means, out of which 97,896 complaints have been resolved by the district police and 5,759 pending complaints are being investigated this year so far, police said. According to the police, these complaints were received by the Gurugram Police through various channels including a total of 693 complaints received in the Police Commissioner's Office, Gurugram through various commissions (NHRC, HHRC, NCW, HSWC, NCPCR, HCPCR, out of which 664 complaints have been resolved and 29 complaints are being investigated.
Similarly, a total of 1642 complaints were received in the Gurugram Police Commissioner's Office, through the office of the Director General of Police, Haryana, out of which 1635 complaints have been resolved, and 07 complaints are being investigated. A total of 8390 complaints were received in the office of Commissioner of Police, Gurugram all these 8,390 complaints have been resolved by the police.
Likewise, a total of 12,559 complaints through e-mail were received all these complaints have been resolved by Gurugram Police, the police said. The city Police have also received a total of 919 complaints during public hearings in the police commissioner's office, out of which 829 complaints have been resolved.