Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday inaugurated and laid the foundation for 43 railway projects worth Rs 249 crore in Chhattisgarh, including a Vande Bharat maintenance depot in Bilaspur and a MEMU car shed expansion in Bhilai.
The Prime Minister inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of a total 6,000 railway projects of Rs 85,000 crore across the country via video conference, an official statement said.
Chhattisgarh Governor Biswabhusan Harichandan and Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai were virtually linked to the programme from the Raipur railway station.
For Chhattisgarh, Modi inaugurated 40 projects of Rs 124 crore and laid the foundation stone of three projects costing Rs 125 crore. He inaugurated 34 stalls at 18 stations including in Raipur, Mandhar, Mandir Hasaud, Tilda-Nevra, Sarona and Urkura in Chhattisgarh under ‘One Station One Product’ scheme.
The Prime Minister also inaugurated Jan Aushadhi Kendras (to provide generic medicines) at Janjgir-Naila and Pendra railway stations, upgradation of pit line at Durg coaching depot and a rail coach restaurant in Bilaspur.
Besides, he laid the foundation stone of the Vande Bharat maintenance depot at Bilaspur, the MEMU car shed expansion in Bhilai and construction of a new pit line in Ambikapur.
“Railways is the lifeline of the country. The development of railways has a direct impact on the country’s development,” the Governor said.
Chief Minister Sai said today is a historic day not only for the country but also for Chhattisgarh.