CPI-ML demands cancellation, re-conduct of NEET

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CPI-ML demands cancellation, re-conduct of NEET

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 | PNS | Lucknow

The Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) on Tuesday demanded the cancellation and re-conduct of the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET), held on May 5 for medical college admissions, citing the interests and justice for students. The party also called for a high-level inquiry into alleged massive corruption in the examination.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, CPI-ML state secretary Sudhakar Yadav highlighted evidence of corruption and preliminary findings of a paper leak in Bihar.

“Students across the country are protesting on a large scale against NEET, with many approaching the court. Even the Union education minister has acknowledged the irregularities. In such a situation, a re-examination should be conducted not just for some students in Haryana, but for all students, to avoid jeopardising their future,” he stated.

Yadav criticised the National Testing Agency (NTA), the body responsible for conducting NEET, labelling it as a failed and inefficient organisation with a poor track record. He called for its dissolution, arguing that corruption within the NEET system could lead to the privatisation of competitive exams.

“In a diverse country like India, where various state education boards tailor their curricula to regional needs, the ‘one-country, one-examination’ model is proving to be futile. Instead of the NTA conducting these exams, universities should organise their own entrance examinations,” Yadav demanded.

Additionally, the CPI-ML announced a nationwide protest on June 20 against the prosecution of renowned English writer and Booker Prize winner Arundhati Roy, and Kashmiri political analyst Dr Shaukat Hussain under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). Yadav condemned the Delhi lieutenant governor’s decision, allegedly influenced by the Central government, to prosecute a 10-year-old case under UAPA, viewing it as an attack on freedom of expression and a move towards fascism by the Modi government 3.0.

The CPI-ML leader affirmed the party’s demand for the quashing of charges against the two intellectuals, the abolition of repressive laws, and the release of all political prisoners.

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