Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan has said that in the fourth phase of Madhya Pradesh Lok Sabha Elections-2024, voting is going on from 7 am in all the polling centres of eight Lok Sabha parliamentary constituencies of the state. Voting will take place here till 6 pm.
Rajan said that till 5 pm, 68.01 percent voting took place in all the eight Lok Sabha parliamentary constituencies.
He said that 71.53 percent voter turnout was recorded in Lok Sabha Parliamentary Constituency No. 21 Dewas (SC), 70.44 percent in No. 22 Ujjain (SC), 71.76 percent in No. 23 Mandsaur, 70.61 percent in No. 24 Ratlam (SC), 67.55 percent in No. 25 Dhar (ST), 56.53 percent in No. 26 Indore, 70.80 percent in No. 27 Khargone (ST) and 68.21 percent voting has been recorded in No. 28 Khandwa.