Maharashtra’s outgoing Chief Minister (CM) Eknath Shinde on Sunday said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will decide on the new CM and assured his full support while ruling out differences among Mahayuti allies over the government formation. Amid speculations that Shinde’s son Shrikant Shinde might get the Deputy CM’s post and Shiv Sena is keen on the Home portfolio, Shinde said the Mahayuti allies, BJP, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), and Shiv Sena, will decide the government formation through consensus.
Notably, more than a week after the Mahayuti clinched a massive victory in Maharashtra polls with the BJP emerging as the single largest party with 132 seats, the new government is yet to be sworn in. BJP is moving cautiously as aspirations of its allies, especially Shiv Sena, are high after the massive poll victory.
Interestingly, the BJP legislature party meeting to elect the leader, who will be the party’s chief ministerial pick, is yet to be held, even though Shiv Sena and NCP allies have elected their respective leaders. The BJP has announced that the oath-taking ceremony of the new Mahayuti government will take place on December 5 evening at the Azad Maidan in south Mumbai and Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend it.
According to BJP sources, Devendra Fadnavis, who has been CM twice and was Deputy CM in the last Eknath Shinde-led government, is the front-runner for the CM’s post. A senior BJP leader said that the legislature party meeting may be held on December 3 or 4.
The Mahayuti constituents will jointly decide whether only the CM and Deputy CMs will take oath on December 5 or ministers will also be sworn in, a senior leader of the alliance said.
Shinde had left for his native village in Satara district on Friday amid speculation that he was not happy with the way the new government was shaping up. He developed a high fever in his village. Talking to reporters in his village on Sunday before leaving for Mumbai, Shinde said that he has already talked about a decision on CM’s post taken by the BJP leadership that will be acceptable to me and Shiv Sena and will have my full backing.
On speculation that his son and Lok Sabha member Shrikant Shinde will be made a Deputy CM in the new government and whether Shiv Sena has staked the claim for the home portfolio, Shinde replied, “Talks were on”. “A meeting took place in Delhi last week with (Union home minister) Amit Shah, and now we three alliance partners will discuss the nitty-gritty of government formation,” he said. Responding to a query on his health, the Shiv Sena leader said he was fine now and had come to his native village to get some rest. “I always come to my village. Why should there be any confusion when I made my stand clear last week,” he added.
Senior BJP leader Raosaheb Danve on Sunday told a news channel that the name of the chief minister has been finalised and a confirmation is awaited from the party leadership. NCP chief Ajit Pawar on Saturday said the chief minister will be from the BJP, while there will be deputy CMs from NCP and Shiv Sena headed by Shinde.
Meanwhile, Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Aaditya Thackeray claimed the Mahayuti’s inability to decide on a chief minister and form government more than a week after the announcement of assembly poll results was an “insult” to Maharashtra. Thackeray also sought to know why the President’s rule has not yet been enforced in the State. Targeting the BJP, which is the largest constituent of the Mahayuti, Thackeray claimed that to declare the swearing-in date unilaterally without even staking claim to form government is “pure anarchy”.