Gautam Nagar police have detained two minors involved in vehicle lifting and recovered three stolen vehicles worth Rs 1.5 lakh from their possession on Saturday.
On Saturday information was received that two boys near Resham Kendra Gol Ghere were having vehicles which are stolen.
The two were detained with Bajaj Platina bike bearing registration numberMP04-QT-7168. The two revealed that bike was stolen from near Arif Nagar Masjid.
After the preliminary investigation police registered a case under section 379 of the IPC and seized the motorcycle.
During the further investigation accused confessed stealing TVS star city motorcycle bearing registration MP04MN 6433 from Gautam Nagar area and Honda Activa scooter bearing registration number MP04SJ9291 from Hanumanganj area. Police have registered case under section 41(1-4) of CrPC.
Police suspects that the two are part of larger nexus and masteminds are using them for stealing and other crimes in the state capital and other nearby areas.