July 18 became a remarkable day for the Madhya Pradesh High Court. On this day, the online RTI portal developed by the Jabalpur High Court became a means for citizens to file RTI applications online and obtain desired information within a stipulated time frame.
This online portal has also been linked to Cyber Treasury for all types of online transactions. Chief Justice Ravi Malimath launched the online portal of RTI at the principal bench of the High Court in Jabalpur on Tuesday. Information of all the three Benches of the High Court and the District Courts will be available from the portal.
All the justices of the Madhya Pradesh High Court and the principal district and sessions judges of all the district courts of the state were present during the inauguration.
Chief Justice Malimath said that the Madhya Pradesh High Court is a pioneer in working on paperless mode from beginning to end in the entire country. The portal has been made integrated cloud based as well as it has also been integrated with the database of the High Court.
Chief Justice Malimath said that this portal makes the concerned officers and employees responsible for providing the information sought in RTI and makes them accountable. This software provides to the State Public Information Officer and concerned staff the information about each and every activity related to RTI that is sought by the applicant on the e-RTI tab of the Court's official website www.mphc.gov.in at a single click.