Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that the youth taking training under Mukhyamantri Seekho-Kamao Yojana will be trained to bring efficiency in industry-oriented new technology and processes, which will help them get employment easily. This scheme will make the youth financially self-reliant.
Chief Minister Chouhan was reviewing the preparations for the state-level programme for starting the registration process for young applicants under the Mukhyamantri Seekho-Kamao Yojana at Chief Minister's residence office Samatva Bhawan. This programme will be held on July 4 at 12 noon at Rabindra Bhavan in Bhopal. In this, the MMSKY portal will be launched and detailed information will be given about the process of registration. The Chief Minister will also interact with the students of the college. Departmental officers including Chief Secretary Iqbal Singh Bains were present in the meeting. Higher Education Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav joined virtually.
Chief Minister Chouhan said that the launch programme of the scheme should be better and systematic. Information about employment-self-employment should be given in the programme. Explain how to fill the registration form. After registration, the process of completing the profile etc. should be given. He said that applicants of Mukhyamantri Sikho-Kamao Yojana would require Samagra ID, educational qualification, degree etc. Students of class 11th-12th should also be included in the programme along with students of engineering, polytechnic, ITI and higher education colleges. The programme should be broadcast at every district headquarters. Better publicity of the scheme and programme should be done through various platforms.