Ranveer Singh's much-anticipated quiz show, 'The Big Picture', begins on Saturday with the story of Abhay Singh, a teacher in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh.
Having lost his father when he was just 12 years old, Abhay Singh started teaching children just to make ends meet. He said his father had one wish at the time of his death -- that his son took care of the family. Being a good son, Abhay has kept his word.
Ranveer was so moved by the teacher's story that he made a video call to his mother in Gorakhpur and heap praise on her son. He also spoke to her about Abhay's desire to study further.
An entertaining quiz show with a different format, 'The Big Picture' sees Ranveer asking questions based on visuals projected on a large screen. The in-studio audience will be given options to choose from. In between, the contestants also get to share their life stories with Ranveer.
'The Big Picture' goes on air on Saturday night on Colors.
Ranveer moved by Gorakhpur teacher's story on 'The Big Picture'
Saturday, 16 October 2021 | IANS
| Mumbai
Ranveer moved by Gorakhpur teacher's story on 'The Big Picture'
Saturday, 16 October 2021 | IANS | Mumbai