In order to curb fake messages and rumours harming communal peace in Delhi, Committee on Peace and Harmony of Delhi Assembly on Tuesday launched a Whatsapp number and an email ID — 8950000946 and — where people can file complaints against those who spared hate messages.
Delhi Government has also announced Rs 10,000 reward for the whistleblowers.
Pertinently, during the riots, 42 people lost their lives in the North-east Delhi, henceforth Delhi Government along with the legislators constituted six members committee on February 5.
The Government said till now a total of Rs 38.75 lakh has been given out as compensation to the riot victims.
Meanwhile, Saurabh Bharadwaj, Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA), Greater Kailsah said, "Today we held the second meeting of the committee where we launched a WhatsApp no along with an Email ID. People can share their complaints here against any Hate Messages which can cause communal disharmony."
Adding furthermore, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) said, "These numbers will be widely publicised through every possible way which will include advertisement on TV, radio, newspapers and other mediums. Hoardings and Unipoles will be put in public spaces, schools, bus stops, metro, hospitals and Government offices."
"The committee has decided that a peace meeting will be organised with the six MLAs of the violence-hit areas of Delhi on February 5 in North East Delhi. In this meeting, prominent religious leaders and people from Civil Society of these areas will also join."
The committee observed that before Holi and the Friday prayers, the meeting should send a message of Communal Harmony to avoid any communal tension in the time of the religious festival. The committee has also decided to invite the Delhi Police Commissioner in this peace meeting to send a strong message of harmony and brotherhood," said Bharadwaj.
The Committee also decided that for the first time anywhere in India, all those informers of hate messages whose complaints are converted into FIRs, will be rewarded with Rs 10,000/-.