Big Bazaar on Wednesday launched its second store at Bistupur. Spread over 32,989 sq.ft of space, the new Big Bazaar will be the ideal shopping destination for all its customers and is located at P&M Hi-Tech City Centre Mall, Outer Circle Road, South Park.
Manish Agarwal, business head-east zone, Big Bazaar said: “Our first store in Jamshedpur has been extremely successful which has motivated us to increase our presence in this city. The new store comes with a fresh design offering a wide range of products that can meet the shopping needs of all our customers. We would like to invite our customers to come and visit the new store and make the most of the best deals and the latest products.”
Customers can also be now part of a large Big Bazaar’s “Profit Club” family. Profit Club is a truly one of its kind membership where one can pay Rs 10,000 and can shop for Rs 1000 per month for the next 12 months i.e Rs .12,000 over a period of 12 months. This card can be used across 280 + Big Bazaars, Food Bazaars and fbb- Fashion at Big Bazaar stores across the country.
The fashion section will have the best of fashion catering to men and women office wear, ethnic wear, casual wear, sportswear and also vast collection of kids wear. Wide variety of home fashions from curtains, bedsheets, carpets etc and trendy collection of men and women footwear will be available in Home section along with a wide range of home appliances. Food section will have a wide range of vegetables, fruits, staples, packaged food items etc.