BJP leader Subramanian Swamy on Thursday alleged that former Finance Minister P Chidambaram is influencing the CBI and Finance Ministry officials to avoid being chargesheeted in the Aircel-Maxis scam. In a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Swamy said Chidambaram is “mobilising some friendly Government officers and politicians” to subvert the probe of CBI and ED.
“The present CBI Director Anil Sinha also seems to be overawed by the support that Chidambaram has been able to mobilize in this regard,” said Swamy. He also criticized the silence of the Finance Ministry when Chidambaram denounced an officer of ED, soon after raids were conducted at son Karti’s companies. “Finance Ministry should have replied to Chidambaram and rebuked him, but did not,” said Swamy.
The BJP leader alleged Chidamabram is actively involved in lobbying for “friendly official Ramesh Abhishek” as new head of SEBI. “Chidambaram is using his influence to promote his well-known money laundering associate Ramesh Abhishek as Chairman of SEBI so that he can be protected in the investigation of financial scandals that he is involved in and in the share market manipulation by his son,” said Swamy.