Built at the cost of a whopping Rs 81 crore in 2016, the Veer Savarkar Bridge in the state capital has fallen into neglect, with only two of the 111 streetlights functioning on the flyover.
The darkness engulfing the flyover—the primary link between Arera Colony and the newly developed neighbourhoods on the Narmadapuram (Hoshangabad) Road—leaves motorists with little more than the moonlight and their instincts to guide them through the area.
Opened with a lot of fanfare, the 1550-metre flyover was built over six years using 43 spans, 146 bearings, and 46 tiers. These technical elements were specially employed to make the bridge strong and durable.
The two-armed flyover uses one side to connect Habibganj Railway Gate to Ganesh Mandir, while the other side connects Arera Colony and the AIIMS area.
Those responsible for the construction had claimed that the arms would improve traffic flow, but the flyover continues to face traffic jams.