Senior BJP leader and former Leader of Opposition of Jharkhand Legislative Assembly, Amar Kumar Bauri said that BJP will observe the Samvidhan Gaurav Abhiyan from January 11 to 25. Bauri has been made as the state convener of the campaign. Along with this, State Minister Nand Ji Prasad and senior leader Rakesh Bhaskar have been made co-conveners of this campaign.
Bauri said that the Bharatiya Janata Party will do the work of making the common people aware about the struggle of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar for the constitution and the deceit done to him by the Congress up to the district mandal from January 11 to 25. The Bharatiya Janata Party has named this campaign as Samvidhan Gaurav Abhiyan.
He said that it is the result of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar's constitution that today a tribal woman of the country is sitting on the highest pedestal and a person selling tea is serving the people as the Prime Minister. The Constitution has played an important role in making India great. But even today, Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar's thoughts have not reached the society. The Bharatiya Janata Party will work to take Baba Saheb's goal to the last rung of the country through this campaign.
He said that the people of the country should be aware of all the events at the time of constitution making.
He said that at the time of constitution making, Congress had emphasized on religion based reservation but Baba Saheb gave equal rights to every citizen of the country, every person.
He said that today the Congress, which does politics in the name of Baba Saheb, gave the title of Bharat Ratna to Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi during their lifetime but kept Baba Saheb deprived of this title and did not let him get two yards of land in New Delhi posthumously.
He said that Baba Saheb had also opposed Article 370 in Kashmir. There are many such incidents which should be known to the general public, so the Bharatiya Janata Party will go to the Mandal level in the whole country and tell all those articles of Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar, his goals and his policy principles.
He said that there is a huge difference between giving respect to Baba Saheb in his name and pretending to give respect. The Bharatiya Janata Party has honored Baba Saheb by giving him Bharat Ratna during its tenure.
On the Maiya Yojana, he said that today Chief Minister Hemant Soren has given the benefit of Maiya Yojana to more than 56 lakh people. But the public has to pay a big price for it. The money to be given to the elderly, widows, disabled of the state is not going to their accounts. The government should express regret on this matter. In this time's supplementary budget, only Rs 2100 has been given to a department. If the Chief Minister sets the whole system in order to fulfill his political power, then the entire state will have to bear the loss.
In the matter of giving gas cylinders for Rs 450, he said that Congress and JMM going back on their promise is nothing new. In the fifth assembly, the minister had said that the manifesto is only a declaration. In the manifesto of Congress and JMM, it has been said to give a cylinder for Rs 450.
State media in-charge Shiv Pujan Pathak, state spokesperson Amit Kumar Mandal and Rafia Naz were also present in today's press conference.