BJP's state spokesperson Ramakant Mahato has said that the Hemant government of the state does not want to form an information commission due to the fear of its misdeeds being exposed. And as usual, it is misleading the court by giving misleading information.
Due to which the state government is not only being criticized but also defamed. Mahato said that the records of corruption and loot set in the last five years by the Hemant Soren government, which is running with the support of Congress and RJD, which has been the mother of corruption, cannot be exposed. The government has been trying to do this since the beginning.
BJP spokesperson Ramakant Mahato has slammed the state government and said that when JVM formally merged with BJP, the party appointed Babulal Marandi as the leader of the party. But, the Tribunal Court of the Assembly Speaker kept the matter pending as part of a political conspiracy. As a result, the matter remained pending for a long time. While Babulal Marandi kept voting for the party in the elections of Rajya Sabha MPs.
Mahato said that after that in the year 2023, Amar Kumar Bauri was appointed as the BJP Legislative Party leader who became the Leader of the Opposition in the House. While Mr. Bauri was the Leader of the Opposition, the government also issued an advertisement for the formation of the Information Commission. But due to the government's indifference, the commission could not be formed. The government remained neck deep in corruption. From the Chief Minister to the Cabinet Minister, everyone went behind bars on corruption charges.
Even now Chief Minister Hemant Soren is out on bail. Shri Ramakant has accused the State Government that many constitutional institutions have not been formed in the State for many years. Which are directly related to the public. The Government is adopting an indifferent attitude in the formation. Like State Women Commission, Lokayukta, Human Rights Commission, State Food Commission etc. And the post of Chairman of Jharkhand Public Service Commission is lying vacant for the last many months. The Chairman of the State Staff Selection Commission is working as an incharge. From where the Government is continuously working to shatter the dreams of the youth.