The BJP's Jharkhand unit has accused the INDIA bloc government in the State of failing to provide pensions to 11.81 lakh beneficiaries, including the elderly, widows, and people with disabilities.
Former minister Amar Kumar Bauri took to social media to highlight the issue, claiming that these beneficiaries have been without pensions since September 2024. He criticized the government for its negligence, stating that the delay has deprived vulnerable groups of their rightful support.
Bauri alleged that the administration has not taken adequate steps to address the problem, attributing the delay to the negligence of the Social Welfare Department. He pointed out that utility certificates, required every three months to process pensions, were not submitted on time.
"Are 11.81 lakh poor and needy individuals not a priority for the government? Why has it failed to submit the certificates promptly?" Bauri questioned in a post on X.
The State government has faced criticism for prioritizing the Jharkhand Mukhyamantri Maiyan Samman Yojana (JMMSY), which was launched ahead of the Assembly elections. The initial installments of JMMSY were managed with difficulty, as no allocation was made in the annual budget. This reallocation of resources has severely impacted regular pension distribution, according to reports.