Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Cooperative Minister Shilpi Neha Tirkey has expressed displeasure over the slow pace of schemes run by the Land Conservation Department. During an online meeting with the Directorate of Land Conservation in the NIC auditorium of Nepal House, Minister Shilpi Neha Tirkey reviewed the progress report of the scheme. During the review, the slow pace of schemes run in Ranchi, Khunti, Dhanbad, Gumla and Deoghar districts came to light.
The Minister directed the officials of the Land Conservation Department to meet the MLAs of the area in the next two days and inform them about the scheme. He said that due to the lethargy of the departmental officers, the department is not able to achieve its target. The expected benefits of pond construction, deep boring scheme, tractor purchase, agricultural plant operated by the department for the beneficiaries could not be given. These five districts are far behind the target of the number of applications to be approved.
Tirkey said that the department needs to play the role of a bridge, so that the scheme can reach the beneficiaries with the right information and on time. She said that the form related to availing the benefits of the scheme should be available in the block office along with the district headquarters. The forms related to the scheme should also be made available to the MLAs of the state, so that the needy farmers can get the benefit. The department's scheme can be implemented on the ground only by creating better coordination with the farmers.
The Minister said that monitoring of the schemes run by the Land Conservation Department at the state level is necessary. She directed to review the progress report of the schemes at the directorate level every month. The director of the land conservation department has been directed to take the report at the district level in 3 to 4 days. She expressed her displeasure over the fact that the vacant post has been filled at the district level but better performance is not being achieved. If the presence or absence of the officer is not affecting it, then there is a need to think. Departmental officers should bring about a change in the work culture and work to speed up the work.
Tirkey said that while applying and approving the schemes run by the land conservation department, instructions have been given to submit the report of the work progress of the scheme by January 31.