The Bharatiya Janata Party State in-charge Dushyant Kumar Gautam has stressed that there will be no interefence by the party in any FIR or investigation against any politician joining the BJP. Talking to mediapersons on the day when the Pradesh Congress Committee president Karan Mahara alleged that tainted politicians are joining the BJP to escape the legal consequences of their actions, Gautam said that the BJP’s central leadership has made it clear that there will be no interefernce in FIRs or proceedings underway against any accused leader who joins the BJP. Any person who has robbed the money of the nation and funds intended for the poor should be in jail, he added.
The party’s State in-charge also said that there are mainly two ideologies in the nation. “One ideology believes in taking forward our ancient culture and values, is dedicated to serving the public and is working towards making India a self-reliant and developed nation. The other ideology as displayed by the INDIA bloc terms Lord Ram fictional, talks of destroying Shakti, calls for destruction of the ancient Sanatan Dharma, says that people go to temples to molest girls and supports the Tukde Tukde gang. This ideology gains appreciation in Pakistan and supports China. The doors of the BJP are open to those who support the ideology it is pursuing,” he said.
He further said that the people have seen the performance of the government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “We have been presenting our report card regularly to the public. The people have experienced our work and the nation has decided to re-elect PM Modi. In Uttarakhand, we are aiming to win all the five Lok Sabha seats by a margin of more than five lakh votes. The opposition is in dire straits as it was finding it difficult to even find candidates for all the seats with some of its leaders also refusing to contest the elections,” Gautam said.
Meanwhile, Gautam along with chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami and the BJP State president Mahendra Bhatt attended a meeting held at the party’s state office with all the five Lok Sabha candidates, constituency coordinators and senior office bearers of the party. The party leaders deliberated upon the election strategy to ensure that the party meets its target of achieving a resounding victory in all the parliamentary constituencies in the State.