The prestigious Kavivar Nirmal Milind Smriti Puraskar 2024 was presented yesterday to renowned lyricist Ganga Prasad Arun, a resident of Birsanagar fondly known as the "Prince of Songs." The award ceremony, held at Arun's residence, was a modest affair owing to his ongoing battle with cancer, which he is facing with remarkable courage. The award includes a certificate and a cash prize of ₹11,000.
The honor was bestowed by eminent storyteller Jayanandan, who graced the event as the special guest. In his address, Jayanandan lauded the significance of the Kavivar Nirmal Milind Smriti Puraskar, calling it a nationally acclaimed recognition. “Unlike many awards, this one comes with rigorous deliberation and deep acknowledgment of literary contributions,” he noted.
He reminisced about the life and work of Nirmal Milind, describing him as a poet who lived and breathed poetry. Milind’s diverse repertoire spanned songs, ghazals, novels, dramas, satires, and children’s literature. His groundbreaking Bajjika-language novel Gitiya earned him widespread acclaim. Jayanandan emphasized Milind's role in nurturing budding writers, likening him to a nurturing nursery. He also expressed his admiration for Ganga Prasad Arun's profound literary works and wished him a speedy recovery.
Prominent poet, writer, and journalist Dineshwar Prasad Singh 'Dinesh' extended his congratulations to Ganga Prasad Arun and recalled his own close friendship with Nirmal Milind, whom he met at the Jaishiv Book Agency in Sakchi. Singh highlighted Milind’s ghazal collection Qatl ka Jashn as one of his most celebrated works.
Poetess Dr. Ragini Bhushan paid heartfelt homage to Milind, recalling his influential role in elevating fellow writers. She added vibrancy to the event by reciting a song penned by Ganga Prasad Arun.
Hindi and Bhojpuri satirist Arvind Vidrohi also congratulated Arun, noting Milind’s contributions to empowering women in literature. Vidrohi credited him with forming women-centric literary organizations, ensuring his enduring legacy.
The event was attended by several notable personalities, including journalist Kavi Kumar, Archana Milind (wife of Nirmal Milind), and litterateurs Manokamna Singh Ajay, Akhilesh, and Rajesh Bhojpuriya. The program concluded successfully under the stewardship of Ashok Shubhdarshi, leaving attendees inspired by the enduring legacy of Nirmal Milind and the celebrated works of Ganga Prasad Arun.