Delhi Police has intensified security arrangements and increased deployments across the city, particularly along its borders, ahead of Christmas and New Year celebrations, officials said on Monday.
Over 2,500 police personnel are being deployed at Delhi's borders with Haryana and Uttar Pradesh to maintain law and order, a senior police officer said.
"We have stepped-up security at more than 10 entry points from Haryana and Uttar Pradesh into the national capital," the officer added.
Security has also been blostered in Central and New Delhi areas, he said.
Delhi, which shares borders with Haryana and Uttar Padesh and is close to Rajasthan, sees a significant influx of visitors from these states during the festive season.
"We have directed the staff to intensify night patrolling. Additionally, hotels check-in will be scrutinised to know arrivals in the city. Hotel staffs have been asked to maintain a proper document record," the officer said.