In Madhya Pradesh, air ambulances will be provided on the lines of 108 ambulances to airlift serious patients to hospitals. Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has instructed the Aviation Department to prepare related proposals and call tenders. In view of this, work to repair airstrips in the districts will also be done.
CM Dr. Yadav told the officers of the Aviation Department on Monday, 'An air ambulance should be ready all the time in the state. It will work to transport serious patients from one district to another with health facilities. With this, even those people who are deprived of these will be able to avail the benefits of government health services.
Aviation Department Secretary Chandramouli Shukla said that work has been started to start air ambulance services like 108 service. Tenders will be called for this soon. The service will be started as soon as the terms and conditions are approved by the government.
Air ambulance costs vary depending on the aircraft, distance covered, medical condition of the patient and other factors. Generally the cost of this service ranges from one and a half to two and a half lakh rupees. Its fare may include the cost of flight, medical staff, equipment and other related expenses. The cost of pilot and aircraft operation will also be included in this.
It is India's leading air ambulance provider that caters to critically ill or injured patients. The company is founded by Dr. Rahul Singh Sardar and Dr. Shalini Nalwad.
This company provides medical transportation services for patients in critical conditions or requiring specialized medical care. Also works at international level. They have an aircraft fleet with advanced technology and trained medical staff.
It provides traveling facility with emergency medical care in India.
This company, formed in 2016, provides medical aid and ground ambulance along with air ambulance. EMSOS is also an air ambulance service provider that caters to patients requiring critical medical care.
StanPlus air ambulances operate in multiple cities across India including Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and Jaipur.