During the voting in nine Lok Sabha constituencies of the state on Tuesday, Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan discussed about voting with sector officers via mobile phone from the Election Control Room located at Nirvachan Sadan. He asked the sector officers – How is the voting going on at your place? Is there a queue at the booth? You should not stay at one booth, also look after the arrangements mede at other booths. Shri Rajan discussed with Sector Officer of Ganjbasoda under Lok Sabha constituency No. 18 Vidisha and Shri Vikas, Sector Officer of Bhojpur Assembly constituency under Lok Sabha constituency No. 19 Bhopal, and apprised himself about the voting going on there and other arrangements.
Shri Rajan observed the activities going on at polling stations through CCTV cameras. He observed the ongoing voting process in polling centres No 210 located in Vaishali Nagar of South-West Assembly constituency under Bhopal Lok Sabha constituency, Vidisha, Rajgarh Lok Sabha constituency and Sabalgarh assembly constituency.