Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) activists raised slogans for 3 hours outside the CM House in Shyamala Hills regarding the scam in Rajiv Gandhi Technological University (RGPV).
They said that the police are being negligent in this matter. The accused could not be arrested even after a month.
The council workers were demanding the removal of the police commissioner.
During this, he had a heated argument with TI Devendra Singh Yadav of Shyamala Hills police station outside the CM House.
As soon as CM Mohan Yadav got the news of Vidyarthi Parishad's demonstration outside his bungalow, he called the council's delegation for talks.
CM talked to the council members and assured appropriate action. The council members also read out their demands to the CM.
After meeting the CM, the council members reached the residence of Technical Education Minister Inder Singh Parmar on foot. Here they staged a protest raising slogans. Memorandum submitted to the minister's representative.
Vidyarthi Parishad workers also say that the accused have not been arrested due to political protection. During this, they also raised slogans against the Bhopal Police Commissioner. ABVP state minister Sandeep Vaishnav said that if Bhopal Police Commissioner does not take appropriate action with immediate effect, then we will demand his removal from the Election Commission.
Vidyarthi Parishad believes that Bhopal Police has continuously failed to catch the criminals. This is so long that criminals have been given time to destroy evidence and afraid of the arrest of criminals, said ABVP' Shalini Verma.
ABVP national minister Shalini Verma said during the protest that if the police has the will power, it can catch the biggest criminal within hours.
Crores of rupees of RGPV were sent to the personal accounts of Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Finance Controller. Police also registered FIR after a month. He was not arrested even after so many days of registering the FIR.
This attitude of the police administration has become more lax than that of the world's laziest animal 'Sloth'. Bhopal Police should be declared a sloth army.
ABVP State Minister Sandeep Vaishnav said that why is the administration observing a fast of silence on the scams worth crores of RGPV, is the police managed? Or do they seem to have corrupt relatives? Or is it political protection? Or are you afraid of arresting criminals? ABVP workers will conduct a phased agitation until the corrupt are arrested, and will also conduct a state-wide agitation in the future. Many questions are being raised today on the inaction of the Bhopal Police Commissioner. Workers of Bhopal metropolis were present in large numbers in this demonstration.