Daughter of a Rajya Sabha member was arrested by the Chennai Police on Tuesday morning in connection with the death of a painter who was sleeping on the pavement. On Monday night Beeda Madhuri (33), daughter of Rajya Sabha MP and former Kavali (Nellore) MLA Beeda Masthan Rao, was driving her BMW car accompanied by her friend and ran over Satish who was lying on the pavement. Masthan Rao belongs to YSR Congress.
According to police, the deceased was under the influence of alcohol. Maduri arranged for shifting the grievously injured Satish to hospital and drove away. But he succumbed to injuries late Monday night and this gave rise to massive protest by the residents of the locality, most of them belonging to the working class.
Maduri on being informed about the death of Satish, surrendered before the traffic investigation wing of Chennai Police and she was charged under Section 304 (A) od the Indian Penal Code , for causing death by negligence.
Section 304 (A) carries with of punishment of imprisonment for two years or fine or both and is a cognisable and bailable offence which could be triable by the magistrate of the first class. She was let off on bail.
Though the locals alleged that she was under the influence of alcohol, the police refuted the same and said there was nothing to suggest that the lady had consumed alcohol.
But they were not forthcoming when asked whether her blood sample has been collected and sent for testing.