Vedanta ESL CSR Team embarked on a significant endeavor by organizing a cleanliness drive for the Swachh Bharat Mission, accompanied by a cleanliness competition among multiple centers of CSR Interventions. The competition witnessed tremendous participation and enthusiasm from various centers, resulting in a vibrant display of dedication and commitment towards creating a cleaner and more sustainable environment.
In a tight competition, the top three positions were secured by Vedanta Skill School, claiming the first place, followed by Arogya Health Centre at second place and Manjhi Tola standing strong at the third place. Over 150 individuals, including volunteers, beneficiaries, villagers & teachers actively participated in a wide range of activities encompassing the Swachh Bharat Mission. These activities included plantation drives, poster making competition, thorough cleaning of the locations, impactful slogans, and promotion of hygiene practices.
Certain impactful initiatives undertaken at some centers of ESL are Vedanta AAS Vidyalaya Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) Program , Manjhi Tola SBM Program , Excel 30 Centre, Bijulia, ESL Skill School, Dhandabar Primary Healthcare Centre . Expressing his thoughts on the occasion, Rakesh Mishra (Deputy Head, CSR) stated, "The cleanliness drive at our different CSR locations showcased the incredible efforts and values instilled in our participants. It is a testament to their dedication and commitment towards creating a cleaner and more sustainable environment for all."