Bagh Sewania police have arrested three persons including a woman and a minor boy for killing a 35-year-old man; accused were nabbed from Khandwa, woman with the help of her lover and minor boy strangulated the man in the night on July 25 at Purani Basti Ram Mandir.
After the murder, the three accused had fled from Bhopal. All three remained absconding in Khandwa and Rajasthan.
Police teams tracked the three accused from Khandwa. Police have brought the accused to Bhopal. The statements of all three are being recorded. The scarf and knife used in the murder were recovered by the police from the spot.
Police said that Manik Singh of village Sujasar Bikaner Rajasthan married to Aarti Chauhan of Khandwa on July 10 this year.
After marriage, he came to Bhopal in search of work and started living. He got a job at a sweet shop. Both husband and wife were living in Purani Basti near Ram Mandir.
On July 22, the wife went to her maternal home as her mother was ill. From here she returned to Bhopal on the night of July 25 with her lover Raja Varma and when Manik asked about the boy she they will not live together anymore. She was in a relationship with Raja for ten years after which there was a dispute between husband and wife regarding this matter. The wife gave her scarf to her lover and they strangulated Manik to death and slited his throat.
Raja had also brought his cousin (minor boy) with him to Bhopal. Ranjit, who was standing outside. All three absconded after the murder. Because Aarti had already gone to her maternal home, no one was aware of her arrival here.
After the murder, the police received information that Aarti was seen leaving Manik Singh's house on the night of July 25. On scanning the footage of CCTV cameras, two suspicious youths were also seen going to the house.
On checking Aarti's CDR, it was revealed that she used to talk to a young man for 10-12 hours a day. The number on which she called was used by Raja Verma, a resident of Khandwa. It was from here that the police became suspicious of the wife and later crime was revealed.