The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Dehradun police has arrested Ashwani Mittal, the father of builder Deepak Mittal who is the main accused of fraudulently extorting money from people in lieu of selling flats in Dehradun. The SIT has also frozen a total of 41 different bank accounts associated with all accused in the case in which transactions worth about Rs 205 crore have been allegedly done since 2016. The police have registered cases against the Mittal family including Deepak Mittal, Rakhi Mittal and Ashwini Mittal along with Rajpal Walia who have been absconding in the Pushpanjali Developers flat case after allegedly embezzling crores of rupees from investors, said the Dehradun senior superintendent of police Ajai Singh. He said that a total of eight cases are registered against the Mittal family in Dalanwala and Rajpur police stations under various relevant acts including section 2/3 of the Gangster Act on charges of extorting money from people. The police have also filed a chargesheet in six cases so far. He said that an FIR was also registered against all accused in Dalanwala police station. An SIT was formed to dispose of these cases and taking strict action in the matter, the accused Ashwani Mittal was arrested from Haridwar. The police are also preparing to confiscate the illegal property acquired by him under the Gangster Act. The Mittal family has reportedly scammed people in about three different projects named Orchid Park near Deepak Mittal's Sahastradhara helipad, Eminent Heights in the Dalanwala area and Upscale Living. Singh claimed that the police have frozen bank accounts associated with all accused in which transactions worth about Rs 205 crore have been done from 2016 to 2023. He said that names of many white collar builders and prominent people have come to light during the investigation of the frozen accounts and they are on the police’s radar. Besides this, the police are also investigating three NRI accounts of Deepak and Rakhi Mittal in Dubai, added SSP.