The biannual Maa Thakurani Jatra at Brahmapur will be held from April 4 to May 1, said hereditary head of the Dera community, P Durgaprasad Desibehera here.
According to information available, the Desibehera family has already started necessary preparations in full swing for the famous mass festival which is being celebrated once in every two years.
After the sacred ‘lagna’ (muhurta) was finalised by the traditional Sidhanti (known as Kula Purhoita) of Desibehera family, the dengura badak (drum beater) informed the public in the Desibehera street and its adjoining areas on Friday morning about the time for preparatory meeting by the local public and finalisation of date and time for installation of “Subhakhunti” (most auspicious pillar) for the upcoming yatra.
Accordingly, a public meeting at the local level was held on Friday night at 10 pm presided over by the chief manager of the fest P Durgaprasad Desibehera in which the Kula Purohita (Sidhanti) declared the yatra date and lagna of this year. In addition to the local public, a large number of devotees, intellectuals and local gentries were present.
Soon after the meeting, the Desibehera family along with Gejaman, the residents of Desibeherea Street, and a large number of devotees in an impressive procession went to the Maa Thakurani Temple along with the Subha Khunti (the most sacred pillar) made up of bamboo, and observed Puja in the temple. Desibehera also conveyed the date fixed by the Sidhanti to Maa Thakurani and invited the Goddess for the purpose.
Only after the Goddess accorded permission for the fest, the devotees and the public came back to Desibehera Street in a procession. The ‘Subha Khunti’ was installed in Desibhera Street—the parental adobe of the Maa Thakurani amidst chanting Mantras and Hulahuli in the presence of Sidhanti.
Preparations in full swing for Thakurani Jatra
Tuesday, 21 March 2023 | KRUSHNA CHANDRA PANDA
Preparations in full swing for Thakurani Jatra