The BJP on Sunday took a swipe at Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar following his meeting with his Delhi counterpart Arvind Kejriwal, saying he should pay attention to his state which is being pushed into “anarchy” instead of daydreaming about becoming the Prime Minister. The BJP further alleged that Kejriwal is seeking support of the leaders he once branded corrupt, to cover up the “corruption of his own government”.
Six Delhi BJP MPs Meenakshi Lekhi, Harsh Vardhan, Manoj Tiwari, Ramesh Bidhuri, Pravesh Sahib Singh and Hansraj Hans addressed a joint Press conference here where they mounted a scathing attack on Kejriwal who met Nitish and his deputy Tejashwi Yadav earlier on the day.
Union Minister and New Delhi MP Meenakshi Lekhi said the administrative and legal status of Delhi makes Delhi a Union Territory, but Kejriwal is not ready to accept it due to his “dictatorial attitude”.
“The Centre has the right to bring necessary ordinance and that is the reason why the centre has brought it. But Kejriwal is disputing it because he fears exposure of his corruption,” she alleged.
“There was a time when Arvind Kejriwal used to carry a list of the names of political leaders and considered them as symbols of corruption. But today he is ready to hug Nitish Kumar and Tejashwi Yadav,” Tiwari said.
Kejriwal’s priority is not to eliminate corruption, but to defeat Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said the BJP MP from Northeast Delhi. “He is ready to stoop to any level to save his empire of corruption.”