Deputy Election Commissioner of Election Commission of India (ECI), Ajay Bhadu and Chief Electoral Officer, Madhya Pradesh, Anupam Rajan on Friday reviewed the preparations being made for the Assembly Elections – 2023 in Gwalior-Chambal division. In the meeting held at Divisional Commissioner’s Office, Gwalior, instructions were given to make every necessary arrangement in time for free, fair and peaceful voting in Gwalior-Chambal division and to make special efforts to increase the voting percentage in every district of Gwalior-Chambal division. Chief Electoral Officer Madhya Pradesh Anupam Rajan also gave instructions.
Deputy Election Commissioner of the Election Commission of India, Ajay Bhadu said that the Election Commission is alert and serious in conducting the elections in all the assembly constituencies of Gwalior-Chambal division. Strict prohibitory action including NSA and to expel out of district should be taken against people with criminal tendencies in the assembly constituencies of both the divisions.
There should be 24-hour surveillance at inter-state and inter-district checkpoints. CCTV cameras should be installed. Action should be taken to confiscate illegal cash, liquor, other intoxicants along with illegal weapons and other objectionable materials. Strict action should be taken against anti-social elements involved in such activities. SST, FST and VST should work with promptness and alertness. Along with making additional security arrangements at polling booths in vulnerable areas in both the divisions, voters should be assured through voter awareness campaigns that they can cast their vote freely and impartially.
In the meeting, Chief Electoral Officer Rajan said that strict adherence to the guidelines given by the Commission should be ensured for free and fair elections in Gwalior-Chambal division. Along with taking prohibitory action in all the districts, strict action should also be taken against anti-social elements who create disruption in elections. He directed that election related problems should be contacted and resolved immediately by contacting officials of the Commission.
CCTV cameras should be installed outside sensitive polling booths. Along with this, there should also be strong arrangements for web-casting of polling booths. There should be wide publicity of cVigil app for redressal of complaints regarding voting. Apart from this, the complaint received should be resolved within 100 minutes. Special efforts should be made to create as many ideal polling booths as possible in the districts.
All District Election Officers should maintain constant contact with the post offices in their respective districts and the remaining voter ID cards should be distributed on time. BLO’s help should also be taken as per requirement.
All the district collectors of Gwalior-Chambal division gave detailed information regarding the preparations made for the assembly elections 2023 in their respective districts through presentation. Superintendents of Police informed about the prohibitory actions taken for free and fair elections.