Special Police Establishment Lokayukta have caught a Patwari accepting bribe, Gwalior Lokayukta police team today caught a Patwari of Ashoknagar district red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs 20000,he was demanding bribe for transfer of land.
According to Gwalior Lokayukta SP Rameshwar Yadav, Babu Singh Dangi, a resident of village Padrai of Sagar district, had applied in his office that he had bought land in Ashok Nagar district, which the Patwari stationed there was demanding bribe from him instead of nominating it.
The patwari demanded a bribe of Rs 20000 in return of land transfer
In the application filed on October 9, the applicant stated that he has purchased a land in Nanoti village of Ashoknagar district, for which Patwari Halka No. 29 Tehsil Bahadurpur District Ashoknagar Rajesh Srivastava is demanding Rs.20,000 from him to change its name and recorded the demand in the mobile phone.
After listening to the recording present with the applicant SP Lokayukta formed a team and planed to trap the Patwari, the Patwari invited the applicant to his official residence Tulsi Colony Mungavali with a bribe at Ashoknagar, Gwalior Lokayukta team today Patwari reached the residence of Rajesh Srivastava with the applicant.
The Lokayukta team went out and sent the applicant Babu Singh with a bribe of Rs 20000 to the official residence of Patwari Rajesh Srivastava and while the accused was accepting the bribe he was nabbed by the lokayukta team.