Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Sunday granted approval to several key developmental projects aimed at fast-tracking the growth of Gurugram city. Khattar, presiding over the 12th Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) meeting, approved an annual budget of Rs 2574.40 crore for GMDA following extensive discussions.
The budget for the year 2023-24 encompasses Rs 570.06 crore for infrastructure development (including roads, water supply, sewerage, and storm-water management), Rs 1151.77 crore for capital projects, with a notable allocation of Rs 300 crore health services for Sheetla Mata Temple project, said the Government’s official spokesperson, adding that the Authority will have revenue of Rs 2043.17 crore from various heads for the annual budget, while remaining Rs 531.23 crore sourced from the existing corpus fund.
At the same time, the Chief Minister encouraged GMDA officials to explore avenues for increased revenue generation through advertisement and other means.
‘Global City Gurugram emerging as mini Bollywood’
In another event, Khattar maintained that due to the visionary approach, ‘Global City’ Gurugram is becoming a hub not only for international-level art exhibitions but also for the burgeoning Bollywood dreams. With an ongoing international art exhibition captivating audiences, the vision of a “mini Bollywood scene” in Gurugram is taking shape, he said.
The Chief Minister also visited the renowned Museo Camera Museum in Gurugram on the occasion of World Photography Day. He also extended warm greetings to photographers worldwide. Acknowledging the significant role of photography in capturing moments that transcend time, he emphasized the profound impact of this art form.
According to the spokesperson, under the Chief Minister's guidance, the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority has partnered with the private sector to establish an exceptional museum that has garnered international acclaim.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself applauded this initiative during his "Mann Ki Baat" program in May 2023. The Museo Camera Museum goes beyond photography, presenting insights into India's political, cultural, and social history. It serves as a destination not only for photography enthusiasts from India and around the world but also for Bollywood filmmakers and artists.
The evolution of photography, from its inception by Joseph Nicephore Napes of France in the 18th century to its modern-day scientific form, is showcased at the museum, underscoring its enduring significance. In a gesture of appreciation and encouragement, the Chief Minister presented a Speed-Graphic Graflex to Aditya Arya, the founder and Director of Museo Camera.