The Delhi High Court on Thursday set aside a Delhi University order debarring an NSUI leader for a year for his involvement in the screening on the campus a controversial BBC documentary on the 2002 Gujarat riots. Justice Purushaindra Kumar Kaurav said action against Lokesh Chugh, a PhD scholar and NSUI national secretary, was taken in violation of the principle of natural justice, and “reasons are necessary to be assigned by the administrative authority” in the order.
“The court is unable to sustain the impugned order dated March 10, 2023. Impugned order is set aside. The admission of the petitioner is restored. Necessary consequences will follow,” the judge ordered. Attorney General R Venkataramani represented the university and opposed the petition.
The court clarified that since the debarment order was being set aside for a lack of adherence to the principle of natural justice, the university is free to taken action against the petitioner in accordance with law. Senior advocate Kapil Sibal appeared for the petitioner.