Aimed at improving the condition of subways across Delhi, the AAP government launched a 'mission' on Friday to revamp vital pedestrian pathways and directed the engineers concerned to work round-the-clock for a month, according to an official statement.
The Public Works Department minister will personally inspect the completed work at the subways from July 1, it said. Addressing a press conference , Delhi PWD Minister Atishi said, "During a recent visit to the Punjabi Bagh subway crossing, I was appalled by the deplorable condition of the subway. The situation was such that no person, especially a woman, would ever want to use that subway. It lacked proper lighting, CCTV cameras for security, and regular cleaning. Dangling wires overhead posed a safety hazard, and filth and garbage marred the entire space."
Taking cognisance of the situation, Atishi convened a meeting of all PWD engineers and issued orders to improve all subways across Delhi by the end of June.
The minister emphasized that during this one-month period, PWD officials have been directed to ensure cleanliness, adequate lighting, CCTV surveillance to ensure the safety of women, children, and the elderly, as well as the deployment of security guards to protect subways from anti-social elements in the subways.
In a bid to reduce oversight, the PWD will also establish a centralized control room for monitoring CCTV cameras in subways, enabling round-the-clock surveillance.Convex mirrors will be strategically placed at blind spots to guide pedestrians, fostering alertness and safety.