Tilajamalpura police have arrested the gang who misled and sold the woman in Rajgarh; five persons including two women were arrested while victim was rescued from the gang.
In the month of January the victim lodged a missing complaint of his wife.
During the investigation, the woman called her husband and told that Shalu, Jyoti, Mangilal, Pandit, and Pandit's friend sold her to Manngilal in Rajgarh, Mangilal had held her captive.
Mangilal, the accused who bought the woman, is absconding. For whose arrest the absconding accused Mangilal is being searched by taking the PR of the accused. Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone 03 Bhopal has announced to reward the police team that arrested the accused with a cash prize of Rs.10,000.
The arrested gang members were identified as Shalu Ram(28), Jyoti (32), Pandit alias Pradeep Kumar(42) and Sunil Kumar Rao (36).
Meanwhile the crime branch arrested the absconding accused of NSA for 4 years he was booked by Gunga police under NSA, accused is expert in hiding fake Mawa and Paneer and transporting the spurious goods.
He was booked for 9 cases of fake mawa and fake paneer.
During the search for absconding miscreants, information was received from the informer that NSA accused Mustaq Ali, a resident of Qazi Camp Bhopal, absconding from police station Gunga for almost four years, is roaming behind the fire brigade based on details he was arrested.
Accused Mustaq used to work for setting up fake mawa and fake paneer hideout from the year 2019.