Even after two days of Diwali, the air of the city still remains in a poor category. Bhopal's AQI (Air Quality Index) recorded 361 on Tuesday. The air quality index of 353 was recorded in Bhopal on the night of Diwali at the live pollution monitoring station of Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board.
According to experts, wind velocity ie wind pressure is very low in the city, while due to overcast conditions, dust particles and harmful gases are stuck in the atmosphere. AQI will decline as wind pressure increases. The 361 AQI means the situation is before severe. Once the AQI reaches 400, it becomes severe.
The AQI of the city, on the live monitoring system present in the environment complex, the AQI was 361 at 10 am on Tuesday, which increased to 357 by the evening. Similarly, AQI was recorded at TT Nagar at 312 in the morning and it became 306 at night. At the same time, Idgah Hills and Kohefiza areas recorded 305 AQI in the morning. Reached 296 by evening.
According to MPPCB report, PM 2.5 i.e. fine particles of dust is causing maximum pollution across the city. The main reason why AQI is increasing everywhere is PM 2.5.
MPPCB Regional Manager Brajesh Sharma said that AQI has reduced in many cities, but its impact was not seen much in Bhopal.
The main reason for this is wind velocity. If the wind pressure is high then the AQI immediately drops. Apart from this, there were continuous over-cost conditions throughout the day, this also had a big impact.